Podcast Production Experience
Podcast Production Experience
Donated by: Chris Lopez
Donated by: Chris Lopez
Your maximum bid: $250
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Buy It Now Price: $950
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Are you podcast curious? Wondering how to produce a podcast that would tell a story or help promote your business? Here is an amazing opportunity to work with Chris Lopez, part of Voice Tacoma Radio Universal (VTRU) and a Meaningful Movies Project Board Member. Chris has extensive experience in communications and will help you create a 56 minute long recording, provide editing support, design a flyer to promote the podcast, convert the podcast to a video format to upload to You Tube if you desire, and then your very own podcast will air on VTRU for 4 weeks. This is the opportunity of a lifetime. Here are some links to samples of video/podcasts produced by Chris: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?mibextid=wILeQC&v=1105465630658116&rdid=HJw8zl4BmF6CUkkF https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?mibextid=WC7FNe&ref=watch_permalink&v=907638077845404&rdid=QkGqD7785xY5EPEF
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